980.08(4) (a) am.rn.fr. 980.08 (4)Act 187
980.08(4) (b) 2. cr.Act 187
980.09(2) (c) am.Act 187
Session Law Session Laws Affected by 2003 Wisconsin Acts
1975Chap. 105, s. 1 (1), (2) am.Act 231
1997WisAct 4, s. 4 (1) (a) (last aff. 2001 WisAct 16, s. 4035) am.rn. 301.16 (1u)Act 33
2001WisAct 35, s. 72 (2) (a) 2., 3. r. effec. 4-25-2004Act 197
2003WisAct 33, s. 9124 (8) r. effec. 1-1-2006Act 318
First Consideration of Constitutional Amendments
Article VI, Section 4 (1), (3) (c) and (4) and
Article VII, Section 12
4-year terms of office for certain county officers.
 [2003 AJR-10]JR-12
Article XIII, Section 13
Providing that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.
 [2003 AJR-66]JR-29
Second Consideration of Constitutional Amendments
Article I, Section 26
The right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game.
 [2003 AJR-1]JR-8
Constitutional Amendment — April 1, 2003, Election
One question — concerning the creation of a new section in Article I of the Wisconsin Constitution, "Declaration of Rights," to guarantee people the right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game subject to reasonable restrictions — was placed on the April 1, 2003, spring election ballot for ratification. The number of votes cast for or against the question, shown below, was copied from the official canvass certified by the Chairperson of the Wisconsin State Elections Board on May 7, 2003. The new section was ratified by a majority of the electors voting on the question.
Question 1 was placed on the ballot by 2003 Assembly Jt.Res-1 (2003 Enrolled Jt.Res-8). The question concerned the right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game subject to reasonable restrictions.
Question 1: Right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game. Shall section 26 of article I of the constitution be created to provide that the people have the right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game subject only to reasonable restrictions as prescribed by law?
( Yes: 668,459 — No: 146,182)
Ratified Amendments
This part of the Numerical Listing of Sections Affected by Wisconsin Acts shows the full current text of each section of the Wisconsin Constitution that was created or changed through an amendment validly ratified by the voters of Wisconsin since the publication of the 2001-02 Wisconsin Statutes (see page 6023). Amendments to the Wisconsin Constitution become "effective at the time the chairperson of the board certifies that the amendment or referendum question is approved" [Sec. 7.70 (3) (h), Wis. Stats.].
Article I
Declaration of Rights